Emotril Trichloroethylene Analgesia Apparatus. Trilene Inhaler London England. Obviously No Gas in the Medical Device. The inhaler administered a drug called Trichloroethylene to mothers usually during labour. Trichloroethylene is known as Trilene. This type of inhaler was for pain relief. The patient inhaled the vapour just before each labour pain. Vintage Silver and Gold Objects displayed are not polished professionally or disturbed in any way in order to keep their patina/original condition. However sanitizing is applied and a slight cloth polishing is usually applied to stronger oxidation spots that might cause a problem to buyers. Lighting in my pictures is uneven and reflections and shadows might appear. I try to photograph in natural light to get as close to the original colors and shapes as possible. Photographs are taken in order to highlight problems and not hide them. DHL EXPRESS is then used for faster tracked deliveries.